
Visibility? Show Me.

Last week, I wrote a blog entry titled "Visibility on the World Wide Web"
It had some facts and figures (yawn) -- all intended to make a good case for Internet Visibility for your business. The catch is though, if you found your way to this blog, you probably already understand that visibility is important.

Over the last several months, I've told you about various Why's, What's, and How's relative to building your business visibility. Ultimately, that should lead to profitability -- a concept that I was first introduced to by Hazel Walker of the Referral Institute in Indianapolis, Indiana.

The missing piece, however, has been the "Show Me" part. A lot of people claim to be able to do something. This is especially true now that Social Media is deemed hot. Very few folks show you.

So, here's what you will have a chance to see:
Starting today, I'm demonstrating the Visibility Recipe in the real e-World.
I'll be using the tools that I've talked about on this blog and other social media sites.
  • Step One is the Website. It will be the Show Me Visibility site.
  • The recipe preparation will continue from there. 
As of this posting date and time, the site is a "shell" of sorts, ready to be filled. You are invited to watch its evolution.
Be advised: The site is meant to both demonstrate and market thinkVAULT's visibility services. Therefore, be forewarned. I intend for it to attract business owners who need the solutions we offer.
There will be some elements of fun, too. So, enjoy!

This is what we can do for your business - Help you to get and use the best tools for:
  1. Building and maintaining Internet Visibility for your business.
  2. Channeling that visibility into Online Business.
  3. Measuring and Managing Results from being visible and online.
Are any of these familiar?
  • Your website isn't bringing business to your door...
  • Your e-marketing is expensive and cumbersome...
  • You can't measure your results effectively...
Click this link to >>> Contact us now about solutions for those problems.

© 2010 DMMI Associates LLC – All rights reserved


Million Dollar Website

Million Dollar Website?!
What website could cost a million dollars?
Truthfully – anyone’s. A small business website that merely sits idly on the internet, with little or no traffic, will cost its owner about one million dollars in lost business. 
In fact, a business without even a simple Internet Visibility Strategy is missing opportunities to capture prospective customers every day!
There is a solution to this widespread problem, however. An Internet Visibility Strategy can solve it.
Whether your company is in the market for outside help, or not, some basic tenets remain true. 
  • If you would like to see and hear them, please set aside 5 to 7 minutes to review this web page:
    Click here
  • You may contact us from there, if you'd like to know more or engage us for help.


This is what we can do for your business - Help you to get and use the best tools for:
  1. Building and maintaining Internet Visibility for your business.
  2. Channeling that visibility into Online Business.
  3. Measuring and Managing Results from being visible and online.
Are any of these familiar?
  • Your website isn't bringing business to your door...
  • Your e-marketing is expensive and cumbersome...
  • You can't measure your results effectively...
Click this link to >>> Contact us now about solutions for those problems.

© 2010 DMMI Associates LLC – All rights reserved


Visibility on the World Wide Web

What exactly constitutes "web presence" and visibility on the World Wide Web? The mere fact that it is world wide presents both opportunity and potential obscurity!

Estimates from various sources revealed these numbers:
  • Active registered domain names = 80 million.
    This represents exponential growth over the last 5 years. Source: Netcraft
  • As of November 2009 - over 20 BILLION web pages were being indexed by Google and Yahoo! Source: Answers.com
  • The number of unique URLs, i.e.: the addresses to your web pages and other sites, now exceeds 1 TRILLION -- yes, a 1 followed by 12 zeroes.
Is it any wonder that web surfers may be a bit challenged to find your website? The odds are quickly turning against you.

Let's say that you own a flower shop and you put up a website. You sit back and wait for the phone to ring... 
But wait -- how will your website and your flower shop be found among the 11 million plus search results? Click the image to see a larger version.

Just how do you build a strategy to be found among the millions of possibilities?

That is in fact the key: you must have a strategy.

That strategy begins with knowing your market and understanding it better than any of your competitors. Beginning there will help you to refine your market niche.
Once you know your market niche, the who to and what you sell, it becomes more clear how to target that market. Zero in on that target. Then you can create and tune your website to serve both it and your bottom line.
To help you answer the key questions for defining your niche, see this article from Entrepreneur.com on how to narrow your Target Market.

This is what we can do for your business - Help you to get and use the best tools for:
  1. Building and maintaining Internet Visibility for your business.
  2. Channeling that visibility into Online Business.
  3. Measuring and Managing Results from being visible and online.
Are any of these familiar?
  • Your website isn't bringing business to your door...
  • Your e-marketing is expensive and cumbersome...
  • You can't measure your results effectively...
Click this link to >>> Contact us now about solutions for those problems.

© 2010 DMMI Associates LLC – All rights reserved


Raising Queens and Successful Business Owners

My friend and business colleague, Cynthia Newman, has just published a book. It's titled Raising Queens.
The opportunity to help her to plug it notwithstanding, the theme also sparked my thinking.  
The same values that we should be teaching our daughters and girls about success in life, also apply to success in business. 
  • Excellence
  • Ethics
  • Esteem
None of these "3 E" values have changed over many milenia. Congratulations, Cynthia on bringing the message to the masses. Here's to making it a best seller.
Read about the book on Cynthia's promotional website

Cynthia's first book signing is Sunday, June 13, 2010 from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Indy Arts Center in Broad Ripple. 820 East 67th Street, Indianapolis, Indiana 46220.

© 2010 DMMI Associates LLC – All rights reserved


The 3 Ingredients of Web Presence for Online Business

A solid web presence is the lifeblood of any online business. The internet is without a doubt the great frontier of playing field leveling. It doesn't take Fortune 500 sized marketing budgets to make an impact. Yet, this wondrous internet frontier is so vast, with so many ways to navigate it, that a lot of business owners are overwhelmed by the whole idea of doing business online.

One fact cannot be ignored however:
If you miss the Internet Roll Call, you will miss any and all opportunities that could come your way through web channels.
You must be PRESENT!
I suppose it doesn't hurt to be big and unmistakeably present, like Sweetums in the Muppet Roll Call below. But what if your business is small? What if your "crew" is just a few?

Take heart. There are just three key ingredients to having a meaningful web presence. The best news is this: Unlike in years past, when high quality would cost you a high price, your budget is just another factor and not a features-limiting restriction. You can do a lot with whatever you have.

The Web Presence Ingredients are these...

  1. Definitely purchase a domain name and build a website.
    It does not have to be fancy. Your website should represent you well, however. Load it with content that helps or informs your prospects -- even if they are not quite ready to buy from you now. 
  2. Start a blog and write regular blog posts.
    Blog entries can be short; in fact, they were meant to be brief (just like this one). 
  3. Find a way to add video content to your pages.
    You can embed other people's videos, from You Tube or other sources, like I've done here.
    Better yet, find a way to include video content about your company and what you offer. Tell stories about how you add value to your customers' lives and businesses.
    See 'Lucy's Story' near the end of this post.


This short video shows you what our partners at IMG Online Business can do for you and your crew. Click on the live link at the end if you would like to try it for yourself. A 30-day trial can be had for the low price of: FREE.
By the way, if you need help getting set up, just let us know.

© 2010 DMMI Associates LLC – All rights reserved