This entry is from guest blogger, Cindy Hartman of Hartman Inventory Systems. a business and personal property inventory company
As each year comes to an end, if you’re like most people, you begin to think about what you didn’t achieve the past 12 months and what you plan to work on “next year.” Often, though, “next year” always remains as “next year.” Kind of like the statement that “tomorrow never comes.”
The end of one year and the start of a new one encourages most of us to create New Year’s resolutions. But resolutions are rarely kept. I read a statistic (I can’t remember where) that showed 83% of resolutions are broken by January 31. I wonder what the statistic is by July 31. Or the following December 31. My guess is that the number is quite high.
I think it’s because a resolution is often just a thought or desire -- perhaps stated out loud, but rarely written down. Yet, when people set goals, they usually assign actions and deadlines to each item. Goals are then easier to achieve because you are holding yourself accountable.
Consider your business. Would you rather make a resolution to double your revenue or have a goal to do so? If you resolve to do it, it’s probably a thought or wish. But if you make it a goal, you’ll be more focused. You’ll most likely create a budget, a marketing plan and a monthly action plan. And here’s the key – you’ll measure your progress month-to-month. You’ll have numbers to determine if you’re reaching your desired revenue. And through this assessment process, you’ll have time to change your processes to improve your results.

Happy New Year!
Cindy. E-mail us for help and solutions for setting, measuring, and reaching your business goals.
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