When I find a resource or a batch of information that is not just good, but great, I like to share it. Such is the case with the writings of a blogger named Stoney deGeyter. One of his recent posts addresses a topic that is near and dear to most of our hearts -
Basically, most websites -- aside from their lack of ability to be found -- fail to lead people from Points A to B to C, so that they actually do anything while they're there. Stoney spells out some ways to fix that. Among the suggestions are:
- Using ACTION words to describe what your business and website are about. and
- Setting specific CALLS TO ACTION on the web pages to help drive the results you're looking for.
Have you asked for the sale?
Take a look. Be objective. What does a visitor see when they arrive at your website?
You probably don't need a bigger, shinier, fancier Visibility Wheel. You just need one that works for your business.
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