
Should You Reinvent the Visibility Wheel?

When I was growing up, from time to time my dad used to say "Why reinvent the wheel?" He was most often referring to doing something in a way that is tried and true, i.e.: proven to work. 

When I find a resource or a batch of information that is not just good, but great, I like to share it. Such is the case with the writings of a blogger named Stoney deGeyter.  One of his recent posts addresses a topic that is near and dear to most of our hearts -

Basically, most websites -- aside from their lack of ability to be found -- fail to lead people from Points A to B to C, so that they actually do anything while they're there. Stoney spells out some ways to fix that. Among the suggestions are: 
  1. Using ACTION words to describe what your business and website are about. and 
  2. Setting specific CALLS TO ACTION on the web pages to help drive the results you're looking for.
If you are wondering why you have not gleaned more sales from the internet, answer a simple question:
Have you asked for the sale? 

Take a look. Be objective. What does a visitor see when they arrive at your website?
You probably don't need a bigger, shinier, fancier Visibility Wheel. You just need one that works for your business.

This is what we can do for your business - Help you to get and use the best tools for:
  1. Building and maintaining Internet Visibility for your business.
  2. Channeling that visibility into Online Business revenues.
  3. Measuring and Managing Results from being visible and online.
Are any of these familiar?
  • Your website isn't bringing business to your door...
  • Your e-marketing is expensive and cumbersome...
  • You can't measure your results effectively...
Click this link to Contact us now about solutions for those problems.

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